miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Discursive composition

Vocabulary: Crimes and Criminals

Reading: JFK Assassination


Listening Activities

0) Match the words with their meanings.
To keep still
A sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected or undesired.
To apply force to so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the source of the force
To place oneself or be in a horizontal position in order to rest or sleep
To lie down
To stay quiet
To pull
The pulsation of the heart.

1) Listen to the second part of the story and put these ideas in the order you hear them.
A) The sound of the old man's beating heart made the narrator even more angry.
B) Both the narrator and the old man remained quiet and didn't move for almost an hour.
C) The old man's heart stopped.
D) The narrator entered the room and pulled the bed over the old man
E) After many minutes, the narrator opened the lantern a little bit and a tiny ray of light fell on the old man's eye.

2) Listen to the third part of the story and decide if the information is right (R) or wrong (W).

He cut the body into pieces ____
He hid the body in the garden____
A tub contained the old man's blood___
Two policemen came into the house___
The Narrator didn't show them round the house___
The policemen stayed at the old man's bedroom___
The policemen were happy___
The Narrator could hear a ringing noise___

The Tell Tale Heart (part 1)
